
Online Resources


This bibliography includes items from the seventeenth century (contemporaneous with Cavendish) up to and including 2007.
We are seeking volunteers to help us update the bibliography and other Cavendish resources. If you are interested, please send an email to Sara Mendelson at "[email protected]" and/or James Fitzmaurice at "[email protected]".
You can find more up-to-date information about some Cavendish resources on the Margaret Cavendish Society Facebook page here, managed by Professor James Fitzmaurice.

The Digital Cavendish Project:

MCBI (The Margaret Cavendish Bibliography Initiative):

The Margaret Cavendish Bibliography:

Cavendish articles & essays on-line:

Cavendish texts on-line:

Audio-Visual resources:

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Cavendish-related historic sites (contributed by Lisa Hopkins):

Members' websites and homepages:

Websites dedicated to women writers and women's history:

Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century sites:

Online texts:

Rare book libraries:

Online journals, bookstores, reference resources, and miscellaneous matter:


Archived Newsletters